GutenBookPress: The Author Advantage

# Project Qty of Seeds Available Direct from Project Owner. Per Seed Action
You will not be able to purchase seeds unless you have a funded account and the project is enabled. Register | Login | Buy Seed Money is an online book retailer that has a purpose beyond selling books: connecting authors and readers together in a way that no book-selling website has yet attempted.

Featured authors have the ability to craft personalized pages that promote their books the way they want to, as an ‘all in one’ location for links to social media platforms, purchasing options, or even video conferencing. Authors are able to offer deals and discounts on their books that major retailers such as Amazon simply will not allow. [Example]

Additionally, GutenBookPress offers publishing services to help authors bring their completed works to the market.

The funds raised through the purchasing of GutenBookPress seeds will be used to broaden the site’s capabilities but chiefly for straight-up advertising.

Seed owners will receive these benefits:

  • Early access to new releases.
  • Discounts on book purchases in proportion to the number of seeds owned, in perpetuity. (see table below)
  • Discounts on author services, in perpetuity.
  • More TBA

Discount Tables

Book purchases

  • If you own 1-5 seeds: 5% off
  • If you own 6-15 seeds: 10% off
  • If you own 16 to 30 seeds: 15% off
  • If you own 31 seeds and up: 20% off

Author Services

20% off book purchases, and:

  • If you own 50 to 100 seeds: 10% off author services
  • If you own 101 to 200 seeds: 15% off author services
  • If you own 201 to 300 seeds: 20% off author services
  • If you own 301 to 500 seeds: 25% off author services
  • If you own 501 to 750 seeds: 30% off author services
  • If you own 751 to 1,500 seeds: 40% off author services
  • If you own 1,501 and up: 50% off author services