Seed Money — Buy with a Check Payment

Minimum Amount: $5.00

Decide how many credits you want to buy in order to buy ‘seeds’ on the marketplace.

Scroll down for further details along with what you are agreeing to buy purchasing these credits.

Use this payment option to purchase your seed money with a check. Note, make sure you do NOT mix and match payment methods in your Cart. It will tell you there are no payment options if you do that. ONLY use “buy with a check” option as the only item in your cart when making your purchase.

SKU: Customer-Seed-Credits-With-Check Categories: ,


By purchasing the credits to purchase seeds, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.

In short: your purchase of seeds conveys no ownership in a project and you understand that neither Taproots nor the creator is legally obligated to deliver on the pledges the creator has listed in the campaign. Consider your purchase of seeds to be, for legal purposes, a donation that is not tax-exempt.

Unspent seed money will not be returned to users until the next phases of Taproots release, and will only be distributed to creators in the current phase. It would be wise to only purchase as much seed money as you intend to use to support creators.